Dev C%2b%2b Reserved Words
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- Dev C 2b 2b Reserved Words Examples
- Dev C 2b 2b Reserved Words Unscramble
- Dev C 2b 2b Reserved Words Worksheets
The keywords of the individual compiler modes are summarized as follows:
- Given a string, write a C/C program to reverse it. Write own reverse function by swapping characters: One simple solution is two write our own reverse function to reverse a string in C.
- Reserved Words or Keywords in C. These words have special meaning for C Compiler, hence they are called Keyword or Reserve Words. Each Reserve Word has its own special meaning and every Reserve Word is used only to accomplish a particular task in a particular situation. We cannot use a Reserve Word as a common identifier.
- There are a total of 95 reserved words in C. The reserved words of C may be conveniently placed into several groups. In the first group, we put those that were also present in the C programming language and have been carried over into C. There are 32 of these.
- Turbo Pascal mode: the Turbo Pascal keywords are available for you to use
- Delphi mode: the Turbo Pascal and Object Pascal keywords are available for you to use
- Extended Free Pascal mode: the Turbo Pascal and Object Pascal keywords are available for you to use
Specific compilers may also have additional specific reserved keywords. Very important: The C language is a 'case sensitive' language. That means that an identifier written in capital letters is not equivalent to another one with the same name but written in small letters.
Note: The terms keywords and reserved words are used interchangeably here is this correct?
To do: insert explanation/link to the online, free Pascal manual of what a keyword/reserved word is: e.g. can you name your variables 'if' etc.
To do: create pages for the keywords if they don't exist yet (e.g. translate from the German version) and link to the online, free Pascal manual section on that keyword in those pages.
Reserved words in Turbo Pascal
The following keywords occur in Turbo Pascal mode:
Keyword | Description |
and | Boolean operator requiring both conditions are true for the result to be true |
array | multiple elements with the same name |
asm | start of code written in assembly language |
begin | start of a block of code |
break | exit a case statement |
case | select a particular segement of code to execute based on a value |
const | declare an identifier with a fixed value, or a variable with an initialized value |
constructor | routine used to create an object |
continue | skips an iteration in a for-loop and restart execution at the beginning of the loop |
destructor | routine used to deallocate an object |
div | integer divide operator |
do | used to indicate start of a loop |
downto | used in a for loop to indicate the index variable is decremented |
else | used in if statement to provide an execution path when the if test fails |
end | end of a block of code, a record or certain other constructs |
false | boolean value indicating a test failed; opposite of true. As of FPC 3.0.0. False is no longer a keyword. |
file | external data structure, typically stored on disc |
for | loop used to increment or decrement a control variable |
function | define start of a routine that returns a result value |
goto | used to exit a segment of code and jump to another point |
if | test a condition and perform a set of instructions based on the result |
implementation | define the internal routines in unit |
in | identifies elements in a collection |
inline | machine code inserted directly into a routine |
interface | public declarations of routines in a unit |
label | defines the target jump point for a goto |
mod | operator used to return the remainder of an integer division |
nil | pointer value indicating the pointer does not contain a value |
not | boolean operator that negates the result of a test |
object | defines an object construct |
of | defines the characteristics of a variable |
on | defines an exception handling statement in the Except part of a Try statement |
operator | defines a routine used to implement an operator |
or | boolean operator which allows either of two choices to be used |
packed | indicates the elements of an array are to use less space (this keyword is primarily for compatibility with older programs as packing of array elements is generally automatic) |
procedure | define start of a routine that does not return a result value |
program | defines start of an application. This keyword is usually optional. |
record | group a series of variables under a single name |
repeat | loop through a section of code through an until statement as long as the result of the test is true |
set | group a collection |
shl | operator to shift a value to the left; equivalent to multiplying by a power of 2 |
shr | operator to shift a value to the right; equivalent to dividing by a power of 2 |
string | declares a variable that contains multiple characters |
then | indicates start of code in an if test |
to | indicates a for variable is to be incremented |
true | boolean value indicating a test succeeded; opposite of False. As of FPC 3.0.0. True is no longer a keyword. |
type | declares kinds of records or new classes of variables |
unit | separately compiled module |
until | indicates end test of a repeat statement |
uses | names units this program or unit refers to |
var | declare variables |
while | test a value and if true, loop through a section of code |
with | reference the internal variables within a record without having to refer to the record itself |
xor | boolean operator used to invert and or test |
Reserved words in Object Pascal
Object Pascal extends the (Turbo) Pascal language with both support for dealing more easily with objects (object orientation) as well as other newer/more advanced concepts (threads, etc).
In addition to the reserved words in Turbo Pascal, the following reserved words are available in Delphi mode as well:
Keyword | Description |
as | |
class | |
constref | |
dispose | |
except | |
exit | |
exports | exports symbols which will be publicly available |
finalization | introduces an optional 'finalization' part of a unit. |
finally | part of a try - finally - end block |
inherited | calls function/procedure from ancestor class |
initialization | introduces an optional 'initialization' part of a unit. |
is | can be used as an operator or a modifier |
library | used in a shared library unit instead of the reserved word unit |
new | |
on | |
out | |
property | |
raise | causes an exception |
self | reference to an instance of a class |
threadvar | declare global variable to be thread local |
try | part of Try . Finally or Try . Exception block |
Reserved words in Extended Free Pascal
The reserved words in Extended Free Pascal mode include:
- Turbo Pascal mode reserved words
- Object Pascal mode reserved words
Modifiers (directives)
Modifiers are not strictly reserved words; however they are used in the same way as reserved words.
See the Free Pascal Reference Guide for details.
Modifiers | Description |
absolute | |
abstract | an abstract class cannot be instantiated, only inherited |
alias | |
assembler | pure assembler routine: routine is defined by asm … end |
cdecl | C declaration modifier |
Cppdecl | C++ declaration modifier |
default | For indexed properties to use them without specifying the property name |
export | |
external | |
forward | Allow a subroutine to be used before it is declared |
generic | class creation modifier |
index | |
local | A function/procedure modifier only usable with Linux (for Kylix compatibility) |
name | |
nostackframe | compiler hint: omit stack frame if possible |
oldfpccall | deprecated subroutine calling convention |
override | overriding of virtual functions |
pascal | use classic pascal calling convention |
private | private accessibility modifier, only class members can access data/functions/procedures |
protected | protected accessibility modifier, accessibility modifier, class members and inherited classes can access data/functions/procedures |
public | public accessibility modifier, public access to data/functions/procedures |
published | accessibility modifier, published properties are visible in IDE ar can be written to .lfm |
read | property read access |
register | define routine’s calling convention: pass first n parameters via GPRs |
reintroduce | |
safecall | subroutine calling convention |
softfloat | |
specialize | specialization of generic classes |
stdcall | subroutine calling convention |
virtual | describes a virtual method in OO programming |
write | property write access |
Unsupported Turbo Pascal modifiers
Note: These modifiers are supported in the DOS cross compiler present in the FPC development version
The reason why these modifiers are not supported is that these modifiers deal with 16 bit code for DOS. In other words, these modifiers have special meaning for 16 bit programming under DOS and Windows 3.x.
As Free Pascal does not support 16 bit code (only 32 and 64 bit), these modifiers are irrelevant in Free Pascal code.
far | access addresses outside of the current 64KB segment |
near | access addresses in the current 64KB segment |
More functionality
Apart from the language features provided by the reserved words/keywords mentioned above, there is a lot of functionality available for the programmer in the various libraries:
- RTL: Run-Time Library, available for all FPC and Lazarus programs
- FCL: Free Component Library: a core set of libraries available for Lazarus programs and usually for FPC (FPC can be compiled without it, but that only happens on purpose for low-memory embedded systems etc)
- FPC Packages: other packages provided by FPC
- Lazarus components: these are Lazarus components that can be dropped on a form and often based on FCL or FPC packages
- Lazarus utility functions: e.g. the fileutil unit.
Apart from the libraries provided by FPC and Lazarus, there are more libraries/components available:
- FPC user-supplied units: see the FPC wiki
- Lazarus CCR: components
- User-supplied code on the internet: see open source repositories like SourceForge and GitHub.
Dev C 2b 2b Reserved Words Examples
See also
- Related Questions & Answers
Dev C 2b 2b Reserved Words Unscramble
- Selected Reading
Keywords are those words whose meaning is already defined by Compiler. These keywords cannot be used as an identifier. Note that keywords are the collection of reserved words and predefined identifiers. Predefined identifiers are identifiers that are defined by the compiler but can be changed in meaning by the user.
For example, you could declare a variable called main inside your main function, initialize it, and then print out its value (but ONLY do that to verify that you can!). drift streets japan download mac On the other hand, you could not do this with a variable named else. The difference is that else is a reserved word, while main is 'only' a predefined identifier.
There are a total of 95 reserved words in C++. The reserved words of C++ may be conveniently placed into several groups. In the first group, we put those that were also present in the C programming language and have been carried over into C++. There are 32 of these.
There are another 30 reserved words that were not in C, are therefore new to C++ programming language.
There are 11 C++ reserved words that are not essential when the standard ASCII character set is being used, but they have been added to provide readable alternatives for a few of the C++ operators, and also to facilitate programming with character sets that lack characters required by C++.
Here is a list of all these reserved words:
Dev C 2b 2b Reserved Words Worksheets
alignas (since C++11) | double | reinterpret_cast |
alignof (since C++11) | dynamic_cast | requires (since C++20) |
and | else | return |
and_eq | enum | short |
asm | explicit | signed |
atomic_cancel (TM TS) | export(1) | sizeof(1) |
atomic_commit (TM TS) | extern(1) | static |
atomic_noexcept (TM TS) | false | static_assert (since C++11) |
auto(1) | float | static_cast |
bitand | for | struct(1) |
bitor | friend | switch |
bool | goto | synchronized (TM TS) |
break | if | template |
case | import (modules TS) | this |
catch | inline(1) | thread_local (since C++11) |
char | int | throw |
char16_t (since C++11) | long | true |
char32_t (since C++11) | module (modules TS) | try |
class(1) | mutable(1) | typedef |
compl | namespace | typeid |
concept (since C++20) | new | typename |
const | noexcept (since C++11) | union |
constexpr (since C++11) | not | unsigned |
const_cast | not_eq | using(1) |
continue | nullptr (since C++11) | virtual |
co_await (coroutines TS) | operator | void |
co_return (coroutines TS) | or | volatile |
co_yield (coroutines TS) | or_eq | wchar_t |
decltype (since C++11) | private | while |
default(1) | protected | xor |
delete(1) | public | xor_eq |
do | register(2) |